Halloween Town

Okay, so this is an old costume that I dragged out of the basement. I made this when I was a teenager (technically, I think my dad made most of it) from remnants. This year, we adopted loveable Rufus the rabbit. I decided to pay tribute to my bunny by dressing up as a bunny for Halloween. When asked what I was going to be this year, I replied, "Rufus." This made my sister very happy and intrigued. I think she imagined a brown bunny costume, with a chunk missing from its nose. Sigh, no. Not that creative this year. I was just a plain old bunny.

I always have many ideas in my head about what I want to be for Halloween. Unfortunately, those ideas are tough to get out of my head and into reality. Plus, I always end up doing the "easy" idea because I never give myself enough time to do the hard ones. This year's "easy" costume was a flower, which I felt appropriate as I am coming into my own as a gardener. Maybe next year I'll be a cucumber, as I seem to have no trouble at all growing those babies!

Each year, I strive to bring my creative nature to the surface in the form of a Halloween costume. When this year's idea failed to materialize, I was forced to go with a last minute plan "B." I wanted something easy, a bit funny, and definitely hadn't been done before. I came up with "The Stop Sign."

I most certainly dug out the old photo albums for this one! Yup, that is Ogden in that Batcat costume! He loved it, too. Really, he did. And that's my kangaroo costume. I was 24 years old at the time but I got in for children's fare at the zoo (in costume) because I kept jumping up and down yelling, "I'm a kanga! I'm a kanga!" while waiting in line.

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