Since my house is known as "the zoo," then it only seems fitting that my garden should also be a zoo. Unfortunately, due to some zoning laws of St. Paul, I am unable to actually put an elephant and a panda in my backyard (but a giraffe was okay). Instead, I will have to be content with a garden filled with plants that have an animal in the name. Things like toad lily, spiderwort, and catmint all can have a home here in the zoo garden. Below is a list of all the wonderful plants that will flourish in my zoo.
May 2007 Photos
June 2007 Photos
July 2007 Photos
Return to Garden Grove.
Closeups of
some flowers:
Zebra Grass
Bee Balm
Lambs Ears
Donkey Tail Spurge
Veronica Blue Fox
Bloody Cranesbill
Hens and Chicks
Songbird Columbine
White Swan Coneflower